Wednesday, May 4, 2011

C-O-L-D & Slow

Looks like the lettuce in a bag needs a little help. It looks fine, but the weather has been so cold and below normal, growth is slow. Will have to add plastic cover to help out a bit.

Monday, May 2, 2011

In Went the Beans

I put Dragon Tounge in around the teepees today. I may try putting another vine plant around the same teepees. Maybe Alaska Peas and see how well they do and how fast it all goes. If it works well, it will be a space saver and linited resources will be needed.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Vertical Gardening

This year there will be vertical gardening at the farm. I started building some teepees for the beans and peas and placing them in the garden. Actually, 2 are being put in the herb garden, as I am mixing veggies, herbs and flowers (although there are few flowers and most that are there are edible).

Although I am using bamboo stakes for the teepees, small but tall fallen branches could also be used in emergency situations.

Pictures on the way.......