Friday, April 29, 2011

Lettuce in a Dirt Bag?

Trying one of the garden experiments, and so far it looks like it is starting to work, anyway. In trying a quick "make do", I put holes in a purchased bag of soil (no additives just soil), 8-10 on the bottom for drainage and one in each corner on top for the planting. (The bag lays flat, not standing.)

So far, I have 3 little seedlings started in 3 corners. There were 4, but one disappeared. I'm guessing it was eaten as I haven't found it inside or outside of the bag. There are also seedlings started in a bucket as well, but that is already a proven method. (I had lettuce winter over last year in it. Not so lucky this year.)

What I'm looking for in this experiment, is if there is enough dirt for the lettuce to develop enough to eat, and how many times I can plant in the same bag before the soil "wears out".


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